Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Thank God For Ann

I have just discovered two very good reasons why I was so unsuccessful with girls when I was at sixth form as I have just found a videotape I made with Mike for a presentation in our "Sixties" class about Monty Python.

Firstly I appeared to be more a collection of acne than a human being, and also it seems that at sixth form I was as camp as Christmas....No change there I hear you cry.

I can only explain it by saying that I had only just finished being a Drama student, which must have had an effect, and that, from the evidence of the video, I wanted to be Vic Reeves.

Thank goodness Ann took pity on me or I could have ended up one of those blokes who live alone and are talked about by people who work in shops for being Weird.


At 10:13 pm, Blogger Mike said...

Your more recent camera-work was no less camp :)

You're a big straight gay, but we love you (just not like that).

We'll be needing to see that tape...

Did you know that the bloke from Spoons was a former QE student too?

At 2:39 pm, Blogger Andrew said...

Which bloke from Spoons??? I love Spoons!!!

At 7:02 pm, Blogger Ann said...


I haven't seen that...you kept it very quiet! Where is it?

At 9:51 pm, Blogger Mike said...

The curly-haired, slightly odd looking guy. Lived in Croft, went to QE about 4 years ahead of us. He was in 7 Days a couple of weeks ago.

At 10:50 pm, Blogger Mike said...

He's called Simon Farnaby (looks like this) and was also in The Mighty Boosh!


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