Thursday, August 03, 2006

Never ones to take on more than we can manage.

We are still being assessed for the adoption. Which will apparently be dragged out until early November, when we go before the panel for approval. This means we have until early October to finish everything, although to be frank we are really rushing along with it.

Andrew has his rules exam coming up in October; this is a big stress for him and last time lead to months off work with an ENT infection which led to vertigo... never a good thing with a train driver. So plenty stress there on its own. Last week Andrew got a letter from the council offering him an allotment plot................... "Yey!" was our first reaction, we've been and spread manure over the weed free, twice rotivated soil, which the nice people at the council prepared for us, but now we have a 6x15 metre plot of manure covered land, with no fences, beds, shed, compost bins, anything.... now thinking........ "Oh!". Where do you start with this?!

Well we've planted the rhubarb from the garden and nabbed Andrew's dad's old carpet to make paths, and hopefully keep a few weeds down. then we've chopped up some bits of wood that have been in the garage for years to make the posts for raised beds... having drawn a fine plan of where we want everything. We've got strawbs to put in but need to make some form of bed for them first.

So last night trying to sleep I had allotment plans, adoption plans, pushchairs, kids clothes, my sisters baby present, and broken boiler (oh yeah forgot to mention that one) all whirling round in my head. This was finally broken by Andrew, who was already asleep sitting up and trying to pull the lamps off the wall above us, apparently for a very good reason, although I he didn't really know why this morning. He only ever moves around in his sleep and sleep talks when he is stressed................ August till November...........3 months........ Why do we not make our lives simple?!


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