Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What a couple of weeks!

Work has been a total nightmare over the last couple of weeks, 45 hour weeks followed by 22 hours of overtime, then 10-12 hour days....not good.... culminating in me being sent home from work with exhaustion last Wednesday. It seems to be settling a little bit at the moment although I fear it is far from the end of the nightmare. We are still being offered overtime though so that is a good thing. Hopefully it will settle soon.

On the adoption front the only news is that I have had a report from my consultant which will hopefully give the GP an idea of what he is talking about. We are still waiting for our appointments but as the course is not until May I guess there is no great rush. Still very optimistic about it all and still looking forward to most of it.

Even though this year has been a nightmare work-wise it's still generally going quite well. I thought I might be starting to crack up again last week, but thankfully after a good long rest I am OK again and just making sure I take a bit of a back seat at work now.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Not sure if I want a new one.

I've just been to see my friend who had her baby daughter on Christmas day. She is lovely, dark hair, big wide eyes, not too wrinkly, not too screamy, generally good. But all in all I have come away thinking that maybe a brand new one is not what I would prefer. Obviously it would be great to have a brand new baby which will have been entirely yours all of its life and have no memories of anything different. But, I'm not sure I like all that floppy head, not really doing much, constantly eating, sleeping, or crying thing. Maybe a little bit older a few months or something, when they are a bit less floppy, doing a bit more, hopefully crying a bit less, hopefully sleeping at bit more, and at the right times...I said hopefully, and maybe not constantly needing a feed. Whatever age we get I know we are not going to have a clue what we are doing, any more than any other parent I guess, but we'll manage.
Maybe this is just me. I'm sure Andrew feels the same though.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The start of a new year

I think that this year is going to be a good one. The last 2 have been pretty ropey. Some good bits but mostly not. Anyway this year I think is going to be much better. It has already started well in that neither of us are ill; we are both looking forward to the whole adoption process, starting this month with our medicals, then followed in May by the preparation course; and, I have just won the bonus ball at work.. It's only £16 or something but hey it's a win! (I have also burned myself twice (once on my straighteners and once on my cup of tea) today, but that doesn't count as a bad omen because I am clumsy.

So far the plans for this year involve our medicals and the start of building our conservatory, this month, the conservatory will hopefully be completed in February, then not sure what order or dates but a holiday in Cornwall, Take That at Newcastle, the Mighty Boosh in Newcastle, apparently Paul McCartney at some point and place, and probably some other gigs too. I'm already short of holidays compared to Andrew and I have not factored in meetings for the adoption. The target for the whole process is 8 months from your first call to being approved, and then however long after that. I hope we will be approved this year but will not hold my breath. Maybe next year we will have a small person to live with...............